Seansų nauda autistiškiems vaikams

JAV NGR treneriai dalinasi patirtimi su autistukais -7 metų berniukas su autizmo spektro sutrikimais: jau po 2 NGR treniruočių jis pradėjo bendrauti su kitais vaikais, parašė savo vardą ir savarankiškai baigė namų darbus klasėje (pirmą kartą). Dabar, po 12 kartų … viskas tik toliau gerėja! Štai keletas pokyčių:
  •  daug geriau seka žodines nuorodas
  •  jo spontaniški pakartojimai to, ką tik išgirsta (echolalia) – virto 2-3 žodžių sakiniais
  • Darosi nepriklausomas (ŽYMIAI) – pats rengiasi, eina į mokyklos ekskursijas be tėvų, valdo DVD grotuvą, planšetinį kompiuterį, televizorių)
  • sensorinė gynyba susilpnėjo (t.y. siekia fizinio kontakto: pats paima motinos ranką, pakartotinai manęs paprašė laikyti jo ranką ir pabučiavo) ❤️
  • nebetoks išrankus maistui;
  • šypsodamasis ramiai išsėdėjo dantų gydytojo kėdėje vakar (paprastai tryse jį ten laikydavo) ?
  •  socialiniai pasiekimai: bendrauja su šeimos nariais, būna su visais bendrame kambaryje, o ne atsiskirti savo miegamajame, inicijuoja žaidimus su suaugusiaisiais ir kitais vaikais, geresnis akių kontaktas, didesnė veido išraiškų įvairovė.

Visi šie pasiekimai ŽYMIAI pakeitė šeimos gyvenimą.

Orginalo kalba:

I wanted to give an update on my 7 year old client with autism. For those of you who read my original post, you may remember that after only 2 sessions of NO, he began interacting with other children, wrote his own name, and independently finished a worksheet in class (all for the first time ever).

Now, at 12 sessions…things only continue to get better! Here are some of those improvements:
~he is able to follow verbal directions much better
~his verbal expression has gone from simply repeating what he has heard (echolalia), to spontaneous sentences of 2-3 words
~MUCH more independent (puts on his own clothes, goes on school field trips without parent, operates DVD player, tablet, TV)
~Sensory defensiveness has improved (ie. desires physical touch: initiates holding his mother’s hand, asked me yesterday repeatedly to hold his hand and kiss it)❤️ Much less picky eater; smiled and calmly sat thru a dentist appointment yesterday (normally it takes 3 people to hold him down) ?
~Social improvements: hangs out with his family in the family room rather than isolating in his bedroom, initiates play with adults and other children, better eye contact, a greater variety of facial expressions

Btw, his new found independence is causing a few challenges. Yesterday his mom needed to get gas at Walmart. Normally they go into the store, so he started asking his mom for a snack. She told him No that they were only getting gas today. While she was pumping gas on the other side of the car, he wiggled out of his seat belt, ran into Walmart, made his own I-Cee drink and grabbed a package of pretzels, went to the check out counter, put two pennies on the counter, and ran out the door with the sales clerk chasing him…All of these improvements are LIFE CHANGING for this family.

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